Tuesday, August 02, 2011

What We Feed Will Surely Grow

I recently attended a workshop that explored managing the four dimensions of energy to become fully engaged in our lives. The related (but distinct!) dimensions discussed were physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The premise was that we are creatures of habit and routine and that if we train ourselves in all four areas, that we can effectively manage our energy to realize our "mission" in life. None of this seemed entirely new to me but there was one thing he said that keeps replaying in my head:

What you feed in yourself will grow.

I thought about the times in my life I have proven that statement true in every dimension to successful and detrimental ends. Inactivity breeding inactivity. Rest leading to better recovery. Emotional distance causing more distance. Optimism building more optimism. Creativity leading to more creativity.

Since that workshop I have begun making small changes and trying to ask myself whether an activity I am doing or a thought or an emotion I am having is something I want to see grow in myself. I have often in the past said that I want people in my life who move me closer to my goals. When I have said that, I have always been referring to the goals I have about making myself a better person in this world. I want people around me who challenge me to be my best self, not people who bring me down ethically or emotionally. That hasn't changed. Since attending this workshop, I am now adding this consideration: are the things I am doing in all of the dimensions of my own life things that I want to grow in myself.

The good news is that we're creatures of habit and routine. I am working to slowly move the needle on my huge list of things I want to do in life by trying to look at small changes in habit and routine that I can make to keep me pointed in the right direction.


Erin said...

"I am now adding this consideration: are the things I am doing in all of the dimensions of my own life things that I want to grow in myself." This is an absolutely brilliant insight and something that I am going to let sink into my heart as I continue this journey to become the best me I can be. Thank you!

Erin said...

"I have begun making small changes and trying to ask myself whether an activity I am doing or a thought or an emotion I am having is something I want to see grow in myself."
Thank you for that insight, I am going to let it sink into my heart and hope that I remember to ask myself that question on the journey to be the best me I can be!

meredith blis said...

great article!